Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Miraculous people do not just happen - Human revolution / Ochazuke

Beautiful people do not just happen....
This is what I wrote in my blog in January 2013.
I was describing my sexuality after losing my most beloved person in my life.
Instead of being haunted by the sad event, I was able to transform it to a journey of a truly strong and beautiful life just like Dr. Elizabeth Kuber-Ross's brilliant words.

Happy people do not just happen....
This is what I am writing in my blog in August 2014.
I am describing my somewhat feeling of fulfillment and joy after I learned that I may be on my probation at work and trying to analyze this paradoxical feeling experience...why do I feel this way???? 

I remember my soul mate said to me once long time ago when we were chanting together, 
" I feel deep joy inside me...don't know how to describe it."  

Am I experiencing similar to what he said?  

Maybe I feel this way because finally after 25 years of practicing Buddhism, I truly understood that nothing can destroy me, and started seeing more fears and insecurities in people and becoming more compassionate to them?  Or, maybe because I truly understood my mentor's word, "when you defeat, you can make a cause to win"? 

Miraculous people do not just happen...
This is what I will write eternally in my heart.
I will describe how I change my own destiny through my efforts and perseverance and make impossible possible in my journey. People may call it "miracle" but I call it "human revolution " which is a term and concept that I learned from my mentors and changed the way I look at life forever.

"Human Revolution" only took candles, incense, prayers, words of encouragement and a courage squarely face to myself and take action for my journey. 
Now I know that my paradoxical feeling and deep joy inside me comes from an affirmation that all the actions I took whether it was negative or positive can be transformed to a true beauty, happiness and miraculous life because of my human revolution.


The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known 
defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, 
and have found their way out of the depths.  
These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity
and an understanding of life that fills them with 
compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern.  

Beautiful people do not just happen. 

by Dr. Elizabeth Kuber-Ross


As my life goes to a journey of an ultimate beauty, my eating style is becoming more simple yet so tasty....scarfing watermelon down with my dog in this Texas heat and chow Ochazuke down.

Ochazuke is a simple Japanese meal made by pouring hot water or green tea with dashi (sea kelp stock) over cooked rice with savoury toppings such as Umeboshi (Ultra sour picked plum), seaweed, sesame seeds, salted salmon, Japanese pickles and scallions and wasabi, etc.

  • a bowl of cooked rice
  • 1 umeboshi (pickled plum)
  • Takuan slivers (pickled daikon radish)
  • Nori (dried Japanese seaweed), folded and crumbled
  • 1 or 2 pieces grilled salted salmon
  • Wakame furikake (dry mix of kelp-based seasoning for rice), handful
  • Green tea or boiled water
  • salt to taste
Also you can use an instant ochazuke which contains freeze-dried toppings and seasonings.