What is Natto?

Natto is a traditional Japanese food made from fermented soy beans which is especially eaten at a breakfast accompany rice. 

It is a highly nutritious and rich in protein but its distinctive smell and gooey consistency can even make some Japanese people feel the most strange and least favorite food.  

This may be a food that either you love or hate but if you love this food, you are so lucky...see what it does to your well-being below.

Rich in Vitamin K2,Vitamin PQQ, B-vitamins thiamin
Riboflavin and Vitamin C
Good source of omega-3 fatty acides
Isoflavone, Phytoestrogen, Genistein, Daidzein
Excellent source of calcium, potassium and magnesium

Health benefit:
Dissolve blood clots
Regulation of blood lipids, blood pressure
Regulation of blood sugar/diabetes
Regulate gastrointestinal
Hang over/protect the lever/liver disease

Natto has the highest concentration of Vitamin K so please be careful for those who needs to avoid such nutrient.

Anticancer =>contains phytoestrogen and infrabin which prevents growth of cancer cellscontains a mineral named Selenium that is anti-cancererous

Weight lose => vitamin B2 support burning of the body fat; the mucin (stickiness) has a similar role with dietary fiber

Anti-aging & anti-oxidant =>Rich in lecithin, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E; adjust the balance of the skin cells and skin surface water and fat, promote blood circulation, improve skin elasticity and delay the effect of aging! 

Prevent heart attack & stroke

Preventive or treatment of Alzheimer

Nattokinase is a digestive enzyme which was discovered by Japanese doctor, Hiroyuki Sumi. According to Dr. Sumi, Nattokinase is the most potent fibrinolytic enzyme found among the approximately 200 foods investigated for 'oral fibrinolytic (a process that prevents blood clots from growing and becoming problematic) therapy'.

Further potential health benefits of Nattokinase include reducing chronic migraine, chronic fatigue syndrome, lyme disease, menstrual cramps, even display activity against tumor growth.

And many more benefits....

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