Saturday, August 5, 2017

Magic continues....

Magic continues...

I am living in the life that I never thought I would.

My financial status has not been changed except for having a little better credit score than before.
My marital status has not been changed except for from being widowed to a single.
My living status has not been changed since losing my soul mate to losing my loving Black always being alone.
My housing status has not been changed so much from two bedrooms with backyard to one bedroom without backyard but to a little more nicer apartment.

However, here is what magic continues...

My awareness of people's sensitivity in communication is becoming more natural yet sharper because I understand their pains more than before.

My awareness of what intangible things can do to my well-being is becoming more clear.

I am more aware of a beauty of sunset while driving one evening...
I am more aware of joy of being told by someone who never acknowledged my greetings before, "Have a good weekend" suddenly.
I am more aware of drinking a cup of coffee with a finest china that I saved for many years to use for a fancy dinner table but using now in my daily life giving me a tremendous luxury to my soul.

Profundity of conversation with my friends is becoming a joy of living.

My connection with people is getting stronger and stronger.

I am just gaining so much by losing the most precious existences in my life because I appreciate what they have brought to me, that is an inspiration to live and become happier and that is the only way I can continue.

The magic continues...

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Magic is still there...

I used to think that my Black Labrador Retriever, Tbone's snoring was a magic.
Just hearing his most relaxed sound and feeling him next to me was a magic.
Soon after losing my soul mate suddenly and listening to my dog's snoring in a bed alone in the middle of night was truly magical.

The magic is that he is with me and alive.

Now I was about to be trapped by a thought that the magic is gone just because he was diagnosed with a cancer, but fortunately, I managed not to be trapped by that.

Because I knew that nothing could destroy my happiness with my soul mate and Tbone once I experienced it and engraved it in my life.

I am listening to Gregory Porter with Lalah Hathaway and think of my life with my soul mate.

- We were lovers and the best of friends -
"Insanity" by Gregory Porter

Realized that magic is still there...


ニュースで津波警報があったから、大丈夫? ぜんぜん、大丈夫だよ、そう、みんな元気? 兄さんも体に気をつけてというわずか四分の会話だった。アメリカの不景気と私の職探しの状況を伝えた。







たった独りで何をしようとしているのか? という気持ちがよぎった。 
何のために生きているのか? と自分に問いただしたりした。







ビル・エバンスの “My Romance”が聴こえて来る・・・・ライブ演奏だから、音が少し狂っているピアノを使っているようだ。でも、彼の心の琴線が見事にそのピアノを正常な音にして奏でている。いや、音がちょっと狂っているから良かったのかもしれない。 




Monday, January 30, 2017

Life is too precious to be rude to others and not to smile.

I felt all those adversities that I went through were nothing to compare with what these precious young girls going through when I saw them cutting vegetables for stir-fried vegetables and helping me to make Miso soup.

Their bright lives without vision since birth did not only bring me to tears but also another insights and determinations about life such as...

I will no longer lament on my dog leaving me soon since he is old.
I will no longer being discouraged when things does not go the way I want.
I will never be annoyed by petty things and ignorant people.
I will never and ever surrender to delusional visions.

Because life is too precious to be rude to others and not to smile.