Friday, January 25, 2013

Stoned Baked Japanese Sweet Potatoes~ A veil of night

It was around 6 pm when I got off my work in mid January, Austin Texas in a very tasteless industrial shopping mall parking lot.

As I was driving out of that parking lot, suddenly, I surely felt a veil of night and felt indescribably content.  It was like the whole scene was enveloped in mist and I felt very nostalgic.

Catching such moment when driving alone was so incredible that I had to think, "What was that?" as if I saw a ghost.

I remember that moment was a little hazy and light blue, and it was far from the miseries I had to witness every day in my environment.

Even though it was a split second feeling, I felt that moment forever.

I remember that moment was so quiet that it had a power to make me someone I never thought I could be...a quiet person.

Maybe, I am a truly quiet person because I was able to catch such quiet moment.

That moment was a collection of intangible things in a split second.

Maybe, I really don't need anything anymore such as a brand new car, a nice house, a spouse, retirement savings, etc. if I can feel such moment.

If I can feel such moment with a jazz piano of Bill Evans, it would be a complete world to me.

As I am writing these amazing feelings, I feel a strong presence next to me which is gazing at me so intensely and hoping forever that he can have flying Japanese sweet potato I am eating.

I remember that long time ago in Japan, I heard sound of whistle and voice like singing "Ishiyaki Imo~, Ishiyaki Imo~<stone baked sweet potatoes>" from a push-cart vendors selling stone baked Japanese sweet potatoes after was definitely a veil of a very cold season eating hot Japanese sweet potatoes was one of the best eating snack memories in my life.

Now in US, I am thinking of nostalgic intangible quiet moment with my huge black lab sitting next to me, throwing him Japanese sweet potato cooked in a microwave and enjoying his vacuum like sound catching those in the air.

I could never train him to be a world champion of Frisbee but...maybe, a world champion of catching Japanese sweet potatoes in the air.

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