Sunday, July 27, 2014

Being nostalgic and funny survived me from those days in parents beating me with chopsticks, people fucking up my name and to huge Prada sunglass.

When I read "My Chinese parents used to beat me with a feather duster" in Facebook Group, I felt very nostalgic and could visualize the scene that parents punishing the children with whatever they happen to have in their hands, chopstick, spatula, slipper, etc, however, I never saw my parents using a feather duster maybe because I am a native Japanese.

I burst into laughing after pondering Chinese parents' feather duster and started searching more funny group names to make me feel either nostalgic or funny.

Against Gay Marriage? Then Don't Get One and Shut the Fuck Up... 
I agree. 

No, I Don't Care If I Die At 12AM, I Refuse To Pass On Your Chain Letter...
Remembering those days that I was so naive that I tried to pass those letters but always gave up in the first one or two people. 

Keep Your Fucking Hand Down in Lecture and Shut Up. No One Cares...
Nostalgic scene when I was a student. I experience this at my company meetings sometimes..."Any questions?", the boss asked with gracious smile, and I looked at the people with gracious smile saying to myself, "Please don't...don't ask ...just let it go."

I have to sing the ABC's to know which letter comes before the other...
Unfortunately, Japanese characters consists of 52 not 26 and we don't have the ''あいうえお..." songs, so we had no choice but to remember which letter comes before the other.

I'm Tired Of People Fucking Up My Name...
I have changed my jobs many times and every time I started a new job, I had to talk to mean IT staffs and had them change my last name from Lida to Iida almost 20 years here in US and it still happens.

I Want To Punch Slow Walking People In The Back Of The Head...
We walk a lot in Japan and I felt like this a lot in Japan, but here in Texas, I drive a lot and see so many Slow Walking People at parking lots, so I have to wait forever to park my car at a perfect spot which is right before my face, and wondering if they are doing it intentionally right before my face. 

If 500 000 join this group I will change my middle name to Facebook...
We don't have middle name in Japan, so I don't know how it is like to change middle name.

When I was your age, Christmas had snow...
I miss seeing adults shoveling snow at a roof so that we don't have to get in and out from the second floor window. (Aomori prefecture in Japan)

Whatever I did when i was drunk didn't happen if i can't remember it...
Those days of Wine and Roses are gone...I am a proud recovery alcoholic!

Yes, I do and it felt so good...nothing makes me feel so refreshed than the cold side of my pillow in the middle of night.

How to get GAS back down to $1.30 per gallon...
Hope those days will be back because I have to go to a grocery shopping on my lunch break. Wish my company's refrigerator equipped with freezer so I can buy frozen natto (fermented soy beans).

Honestly, I write "lol" and I'm not Even Laughing...
Nowadays, it is easy to fool people through our advanced technology, but the same time, I have learned to grasp the energy when I read email or text...I am not psychic, but I do. 

People who press the handicap button when they are not handicapped...
I never did this because I felt like I would be punished if I did.

Be a good friend... don't tag that unattractive picture of me....
I admit that I have to take so many pictures of myself in order to get a decent one to be shown in public or hide majority of my face with a huge Prada sunglass which I bought with a gift card given by the company I work for and be creative hitting the right angles the pictures to be taken at.

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