Sunday, July 27, 2014

Japanese Marinated Soft Boiled Eggs - New flavor in a process of Self Revitalization

Have you ever done something for yourself by yourself 
to view a true beauty of the world? 
I mean not to be done by somebody else for you but by yourself for YOU....

I realized the reason why I have been enjoying my life so much lately.

It is because I rearrange the flowers on my kitchen table not because my long time wonderful friend coming over for dinner (she just visited me recently and enjoyed the same flower) but because for my soul to enjoy its beauty in my room.

This act, changing the water, cutting the stems and rearranging the flower, led me to think of the pains of people whose life are so numbed with self-deceiving that they cannot even change the water of the flower vase in order to view its sustainable and continuous beauty.

Of course, the flower will die soon and I will die some day.

But the act trying to sustain the beauty of the flower is not only about viewing the true beauty but also leading me to a self revitalization, and it engraves in my energy (storage of my karma) and take me to the next journey.

I call this act as - self-revitalization- and realize that it is everywhere in my daily life.


For example, marinated soft boiled eggs had been nothing but just a topping for Ramen (Japanese egg noodle soup) when I was in Japan and never thought I would make it by myself and eat it in the corner of my small kitchen, and feeling so melted at the moment I put it in my mouth, and said, " this real?"

This is a self revitalization....something I never imagined that I would do it for myself. Nothing making me more happier than eating soft boiled eggs right after pondering the pains of people.


  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cupt of water
  • 1/2 cup of Mirin
  • 1/2 cup of Soy sauce
  • sugar (optional)
  • 1/2 cup dashi soup stock (dissolve 2 teaspoon gragules or 1 stick) *Refer to Ingredients for Hijiki Dish in Pages


  • Combine Mirin, Soy Sauce, Sugar (1 tsp or more) and Dashi soup to a boil in a medium sauce pan.  Set aside
  • Bring water to a boil and carefully put 4 eggs in the boiling water. Cook for about 6 minutes. (Pierce fat end of egg with a thumbtack to make a tiny hole. This prevents the egg from cracking, I never did this). 
  • Drain hot water and soak the eggs under the cold running water, and peel carefully.
  • Soak the eggs in the Sauce and store in the refrigerator.
  • Will be ready after 12 hours for sure but still delicious in a few hours!

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