Sunday, July 27, 2014

Transforming the eternal regret to "being trembled all over with joy"

I thought I regretted eternally for what I had done when I looked at my father's picture in a frame in my hometown Japan right after 12 hours flight from California. 

I remember depicting a word "Eternal Regret-永遠の後悔-" in my heart and realizing that the regret feeling was coming from neither the fact that I did not make to his funeral, nor I had not seen him for 14 years since I moved to US, but the fact that I made his crying face like a child as our last farewell when I departed Japan 14 years ago.

I could be crushed by this regret the rest of my life, but instead, I determined that I would not be defeated by it and make it as the most valuable lesson I could ever learn in my life.

The lesson was....we can only live in the moment, and every moment is a preparation for death, therefore, I need to live every moment as if it is my last moment of my life.

Now I can say that it is the best lesson that a parent can teach to children because I am living my life with my dream as a result of his lesson.

I am now trembled all over with joy. 

Otochan Yatta!!! お父ちゃん、やったぁ!
I just finished my final brush-up for my first book published in Japan in December.

 "Afterword" in my book:             
     Five years ago, I finished this original manuscript and mailed to a publisher in Japan for the first time. My soul mate, Clark, was still alive and I had not written "the second chapter - his funeral - " yet. After mailing my manuscript, I was driving a road after the rain exhilaratingly and realized that something caught in my eyes in the rear-view mirror. I glanced the mirror and saw a magnificent rainbow. I immediately stopped my car on a frontage road and gazed the rainbow for a while.
     I still remember vividly that it was a beautiful sunset time in Northern California.  The rainbow was as if celebrating my accomplishment of my dream.  
     My dream is to shine my soul mate's life and also to shine everyone's life through my book. 
     This book, my first step of my dream, contains many messages to those who follow their dreams, pursue wonderful friendships and soul mates, pursue career goals, struggle addiction and violent relationship, fathers raising daughters and those who don't care what others say but to live true to yourself, to all these people who fight every day for happiness.........and if, I can be of your inspiration to have hope and a sense of humor in the middle of your worst moment in your life, my mission is accomplished.
     I can still hear Clark humming "It was a dark and stormy night" every time he passed behind me when I was writing my book.



今でも、執筆をしていると、私の執筆中に、クラークが私の後ろを通るつど、鼻歌交じりで言っていた、”It was a dark and stormy night...暗い嵐の夜だった…” が聞こえてきます。


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